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Why Become a Board Accredited Investigator?   

The Board Accredited Investigator certification is simply the total commitment to professionalism that an Investigator/security professional can make in their career.

Maintaining a BAI certification, requires the designee to be involved in a serious commitment to voluntary ongoing continuing education for themselves and other practicing investigative professionals with whom they interact. Additionally, the BAI Board is hopeful that BAI’s will become involved in leadership roles of local, state, international, and specialty professional investigative associations throughout the world, and sharing their passion for advancement through knowledge.

The most dedicated and experienced professional investigators on a worldwide basis will be involved in this program. BAI’s will set the standard for an investigator’s professional’s excellence which will be recognized and sought by clients and the legal community. The BAI credential provides objective proof of professional knowledge and experience combined with the highest level of ethics.

Why Choose an Intellenet Certification? 
BAI Certification provides a technical and financial edge.

Intellenet is the first international professional investigative association to offer a unique credential specifically designed for professional investigators including Investigative agency management, developed by practitioners for practitioners.

BAI Certification provides a technical and financial edge.


  • Demonstrable proof of experience and professional competence.
  • Expanded professional network and opportunities to showcase your expertise at professional and global events.
  • Independent validation of an individual’s knowledge, skills, and experience.
  • Backing of the world’s most respected association of investigative professionals.
  • Continuing education requirements for certification offer assurance that practitioners will remain current with best practices.
  • Certification indicates mastery/competency as measured against a defensible set of standards, usually by application or examination.

Board Accredited Investigator (BAI) Overview

The Board Accredited Investigator certification is simply the total commitment to professionalism that an Investigator/security professional can make in their career.

Maintaining a BAI certification, requires the designee to be involved in a serious commitment to voluntary ongoing continuing education for themselves and other practicing investigative professionals with whom they interact. Additionally, the BAI Board is hopeful that BAI’s will become involved in leadership roles of local, state, international, and specialty professional investigative associations throughout the world, and share their passion for advancement through knowledge.

The BAI program was created in 2008 by a group of investigators who were members of the Florida Association of Private Investigators. The founding members had hopes that the program would eventually be taken over by another and larger body to manage and administer on an international basis as it is a universal program that should appeal to investigators worldwide.

In May of 2015, the Board of Directors of lntellenet, together with the Board of the BAI, met, and after extensive thought, input, and discussion, agreed that lntellenet would be the ideal organization to host the BAI program. As part of the Intellenet organization, the BAI program’s goal is to provide recognition to those deserving of an elite professional status who exemplify and practice the highest standards of the investigative profession throughout the world, and in addition, whose desire is to persistently improve the image of private investigations worldwide.

The Board Accredited Investigator (BAI) Program

The BAI certification program is a product of Intellenet to demonstrate the vast knowledge and experience of Intellenet BAI members in investigative matters. The BAI certification provides several benefits to its members.

  • Gain a competitive advantage. The BAI certification can differentiate you from other professionals in the investigation profession.
  • Boost efficiency. The BAI certification can give your business a solid foundation as the advanced training, information, and knowledge you gain provides up-to-date tools and technical strategies to better serve your clients.
  • Increase earning potential. The time and effort invested in the BAI program often result in increased income. Many clients will understand the higher costs associated with specialized training and are willing to pay a higher hourly rate.
  • Grow knowledge and skills. By acquiring new and updated industry information and techniques, you can hone current work habits that may be causing inefficiencies or quality issues with your output while increasing your competencies.
  • Establish professional credibility. Certifications demonstrate your commitment to superior professionalism, upholding industry standards, and continued learning.

Application Process

  • Submit a completed application, along with your CV. The application will be provided by Intellenet upon request.
  • Pay the $285.00 fee for application process and certification. No other fees required once you are certified.
  • Submit a white paper on any investigative topic. This must be your original work in article format and 1000 words or more.
  • Take an online written test which contains 100 questions composed from information found in the BAI Study Guide. Cost of PDF book $59.00.
  • Sit for a peer review interview conducted by a panel of current BAIs. This can be in person or conducted by Zoom.

White Paper Submission

The BAI certification requires that all applicants have a minimum of 10 years of progressive and verifiable experience as an investigator. This investigative experience includes governmental and private investigation services.

  • The applicant must provide a 1000 or more-word white paper which is an in-depth report about a specific topic and the problems that surround it. It must be written on an investigative subject but CANNOT be a review of an investigative matter.
  • The white paper must be written in article style format in 12-point font, in Word format on 8.5X11” paper. Cited references must be identified in footnotes or endnotes. Intellenet reserves the right to utilize a white paper in any manner or format at its sole discretion.
  • A white paper without reference cites must contain on a separate page, a signed notation that the white paper is based on personal knowledge and/or experience and is an independent work of the author.

Your application and CV should provide information on the following areas:

  • Complete personal information including contact information.
  • All investigative education and training including identification of the venue educational venues, on-line conferences, seminars, workshops, and independent study programs. The title, length, and provider of the program must be identified.
  • Identification of all investigative related work experience, including employer and contact information, types of investigations conducted, supervisor and/or client with complete contact information.
  • A complete listing of all programs presented, including the title of the presentation, audience, and contact a representative with contact information.


Every three years all BAI members are required to certify that they have received a three-year total of 60 points of BAI approved investigative education and training

All BAIs are required to maintain documentation of their hours received and provide the documentation upon request of the BAI Committee Chairman. All BAIs are subject to audit to ensure they meet the recertification requirement.

Approved recertification credits can include the following:

Membership Points 

  • Professional investigation related associations or groups: 2 points per association, 8 points maximum per year.

Education Points 

  • A certificate of attendance or completion, including the title of the event, number of presentation hours, and presentation host is required for every educational event: 5 points per event or 10 points per year.
  • Hosting, presenting, or attending an investigation related educational event.
  • Conference and single and multiple seminars.
  • Investigation related webinars with a formal speaker or facilitator.
  • Correspondence and self-study programs.
  • Investigation or business management related accredited college courses.
  • Participation as an Intellenet or BAI exhibitor.
Presenter Points 
The topics presented must be investigation related.
  • Preparing, modifying, or presenting a topic at an educational event. 10 points per year.
  • Preparing an entire Certification Study Course with multiple meetings. 8 points per year.
  • Mentoring an individual through the entire Certification Study Course or assisting in the conducting of the course.
  • Instructor or speaker at an investigative or investigative business-related education program. 2 hours per presentation hour. (This appears to be contrary to #1 above)
  • Panelist at an investigation or business-related educational program. 1 point hour.
Author Points
The topics must be investigation, security, or business management related with points allowed per year as listed below:
  • Per investigation or business management book. 10 points
  • Per investigation or business management article in a professional journal. 5 points.
  • Per monograph, booklet, or contribution of a chapter to an investigation or business management book. 5 points
  • BAI Board acceptance of each case study submission (Need to define “submission”). 3 points
  • Each investigation or business management book review published in a professional journal. 3 points
  • Each investigation or business management article reviewed in a professional journal. 2 points.
Volunteer Service
The total number of points per year for a 3-year total of 10 points.
  • Executive Director, President, or similar title of an investigation association or group. 6 points
  • Assistant Executive Director, Chairman of Board of Directors, or similar title of an investigation association or group. 4 points
  • Member of a National Board of Directors or Certification Board of an investigation association or group. 4 points
  • Service on a major educational private investigation conference committee or as Committee Chairman of a local-level investigation association or group. 4 points

Certification Lapse Policy

If an individual’s certification has lapsed either due to lack of required CEU points, they may submit a written request within 12 months from the date they received notification that their BAI certification lapsed, requesting to be re-instated and explaining the circumstances which lead to the BAI certification not being re-certified as required. They must also show proof that they have obtained the required CEU point documentation. The BAI committee will then consider the request and notify the investigator of their decision.

Re-certification after a lapse of 12 months or more requires completing the entire BAI application and examination process.

If a BAI has not recertified within 6 months of the recertification date, the individual is also required to stop using the BAI certification designation and the BAI logo shall be removed from business cards, stationery, and any other business materials until individual’s designation is reinstated.

Recertification Statement:

At the end of each three year term, each BAI will receive an e-mail reminding them to complete the required Recertification Statement. Below is a sample of what the statement will be:

I certify I have obtained a minimum of 60 Recertification Points as required to maintain my certification as a BAI. I also certify that I understand it is my responsibility to maintain the documentation and proof of my required recertification points and submit the same if requested for auditing purposes. (sign)

I certify that I have not been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor crime involving morale turpitude since my last recertification. (sign)

I certify that I have not been the subject of any disciplinary or like action by any licensing agency or professional association since my last recertification. I am the current holder of a valid investigative or security license or permit as required by the governing agency in my jurisdiction. (sign)


Any member experiencing financial, or a personal hardship is encouraged to contact the BAI Program Director and discuss the individual’s situation if the possibility of de-certification may result from an issue. Any matter or issue not specifically covered in this directive regarding re-certification shall be referred to the BAI Program Director.


All BAI members and applicants for certification or recertification must adhere to the BAI Professional Code of Conduct stated below:

  • Perform professional duties in accordance with the law, moral principles, and professional standards.
  • BAI members shall perform all professional responsibilities under the precepts of professionalism, truthfulness, and integrity.
  • Confidential and privileged information will be protected to prevent improper disclosure.
  • Do not engage in acts or omissions amounting to unprofessional or unethical conduct prejudicial to the BAI certification or Intellenet.
  • BAI members will not disparage the professional or personal reputation of any person.
  • BAI members shall not knowingly provide false or misleading information to any person.
  • BAI members will always agree with the principle that any person is innocent until convicted of a crime in a court of law.

Any act deemed prejudicial to the BAI program or Intellenet may result in the denial of certification or recertification including the following:

  • Any act or omission that violates the BAI Code of Conduct.
  • Any act or omission that violates any criminal or civil law of any jurisdiction.
  • Any act that results in suspension or revocation of a professional license.
  • Any act or omission that violates any BAI or Intellenet rule or procedure.


Jerry DeFatta – Jerry has over twenty years of experience as a professional working in corporate security and investigations. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner and a Board Accredited Investigator with extensive training and experience in conducting internal theft and fraud investigations. He is also certified in the Reid Technique of Interview and Interrogation. Prior to leaving the casino industry, he worked for over 10 years as a Senior Security Investigator for one of the largest gaming companies in Louisiana. In 1997, Jerry became licensed as a private investigator and founded DeFatta & Associates, LLC.

For more information contact BAI Director, Jerry DeFatta.




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