A worldwide network of investigators and security consultants specializing in law enforcement, investigations, intelligence, and private security

Our Principles





A worldwide network of investigators and security consultants specializing in law enforcement, investigations, intelligence, and private security

Our Principles




About Us

Intellenet is a highly experienced group of professional investigators and security consultants with national and international specialized investigative capabilities. Our goal is to assist businesses resolve problems with a maximum of professionalism and competency. We operate as a close knit association. We are an alliance of experienced professional investigators adhering to a set of By Laws and a Code of Conduct that stress ethical, professional and expert conduct. Member capabilities, reputations and accomplishments are sustained by membership in INTELLENET. Multi-faceted skills are acquired or enhanced by many seminars, conventions and training experiences available through INTELLENET activities and other related associations.

INTELLENET members number over 600, with at least one agent in every state. Additionally, INTELLENET has members in more than 70 foreign countries with affiliates throughout the entire world — North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Far East, Australia, etc. If you need seasoned and highly qualified specialists or forensic expertise, view our Supplemental Support List.



About Us

Intellenet is a highly experienced group of professional investigators and security consultants with national and international specialized investigative capabilities. Our goal is to assist businesses resolve problems with a maximum of professionalism and competency. We operate as a close knit association. We are an alliance of experienced professional investigators adhering to a set of By Laws and a Code of Conduct that stress ethical, professional and expert conduct. Member capabilities, reputations and accomplishments are sustained by membership in INTELLENET. Multi-faceted skills are acquired or enhanced by many seminars, conventions and training experiences available through INTELLENET activities and other related associations.

INTELLENET members number over 600, with at least one agent in every state. Additionally, INTELLENET has members in more than 70 foreign countries with affiliates throughout the entire world — North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Far East, Australia, etc. If you need seasoned and highly qualified specialists or forensic expertise, view our Supplemental Support List.




Why become a certified BAI?

The Board Accredited Investigator certification is simply the total commitment to professionalism that an Investigator/security professional can make in their career.


Why choose an Intellenet Certification?

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PO Box 350
Gladwyne, PA 19035